Friday 10 July 2020

Summer hairstyles for 2020 pt 2!

In one of my other blogs i did i summer hairstyles for 202 and of course that wasn't all of them so i decided to do another to help you decide what hairstyle to have for summer 2020. Here are the new trendy hairstyles that keep the hair out of your face and ready for summer!

1. Voluminous ponytail!

So many people are having this hairstyle. Its perfect for summer as it keeps all the hair out off you face and off your neck, plus the voluminous look just adds to it and makes it look fabulous!

2. Space buns!

This trendy look is so cute and easy to do. All ages have been seen wearing this hairstyle! Why have one bun when you can have 2!

3. Sleek back low ponytail!

This is quite a boujee hairstyle as its very neat. This hairstyle is gorgeous and very mature, but perfect for summer!

4. Big beach waves!

This is a really simple hairstyle to do with rollers or hair curlers and makes you look beach ready!

5. Bubble braid!

This is a simple hairstyle that is coming back in trend on apps like Insta and Tiktok! You just tie several bobbles down your ponytail(s) And you can make it as messy as you want. Its so cute!

That's all the hairstyles for today! Thank you for reading. Go check out my other blogs:

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Amazing skincare hacks that really work!

Skincare can be a big problem for many people. People with sensitive skin can become stressed and irritated because of it and people with acne can also suffer. So here are 5 amazing skincare hacks that can help look after you skin and make it feel smooth and clean!

1. Baking soda scrub! 

Baking soda can work really well as a gentle exfoliator for your skin if you are unable to get one. You just use 3 parts baking soda and one part water and just rub it into your face like a scrub. Then just wash it off. This also works as a face cleanser for sensitive skin!

2. Try to cut down on sugar! 

Eating to much sugar can cause you to get more blocked pores and acne. I'm not saying don't eat any more treats, Its okay to have a treat every now and then. I just recommend that if you are one to eat lots of junk food try to cut down as its not great for your skin and health. 

3. Use ice cubes! 

In the morning i recommend using ice cubes under your eyes and on your face. The ice cubes help depuff your under eyes and face and makes you look and feel much more away. You can also use facial freezing tools as they do the exact same job.

4. Don't apply to much product. 

When doing your skincare routine, only apply very little product as too much product can cause oily skin and clogged pores which is going against what a skincare routine is supposed to do. 

5. wash your face twice a day. 

Wash your face every morning and every night to unblock all your pores and clean all the dirt and bacteria off your face. This helps keep your skin clear and fresh and gets rid of all the bacteria. 

Thanks for reading!
Go check out some off my other blogs!

Monday 6 July 2020

Most popular 2020 summer hairstyles!

Summer is here and its time to get that summer look! Hair is very annoying in summer as sticky sweaty hair is not great and throwing your hair in a ponytail is just old do i'm going to help you find the best hairstyles for you! 

If your unsure on what hairstyles you should get this summer well don't worry! Here are the most popular 2020 summer hairstyles!!

1. The wavy bob.

The length of this hairstyle keeps the hair out of your face and off your neck and the waves Just add that summer vibe to it!
Click for image!

2. The highlighted braids.

 These braids are so cute. They keep your hair back and the highlight really add to it. This hairstyle just screams summer! 
Click for image!

3. Natural curls. 

All the curls with big curly hair who hide it under a wig, now is your time to get them out! Natural curls are becoming really popular at the moment, and they are so summery and beautiful!
Click for image!

4. Top knot.

This messy bun gives off a cute, summer effortless vibe and is so good for keeping hair out your face and also looks so nice! 

5. The middle parting hairstyle.

Wavy/curly hair in a middle parting looks so cute for summer. It may not keep your hair out of your face, but it still looks good. 

6. The half up half down.

This iconic hairstyle is perfect for summer as it looks so good and keeps the right amount of hair out if your face!

7. The bob and fringe.

A bob is perfect to keep your hair out of your face and the fringe just really adds to it. This is definitely a summer hairstyle!
Thanks for reading, Hope you know what hairstyle to wear now!
Check out my other blogs!

Friday 3 July 2020

Skin experts tell us the products they relied on during lockdown!

It is very hard to buy your skincare products during lock down and its very hard to keep your skin fresh and clear as you may be forgetting to do it or just cant be bothered anymore. However these amazing skincare experts have shared with us there go to products during lock down! So i am going to share them with you!

1. Dija Ayodele a famous skincare guru who founded the black skincare directory shared her favourite products with us. She claimed that she cant get enough of Soapsmith’s Marble Arch Hand Wash. She says shes been using it several times during lock down as she has been washing her hands. She says the hand cream is very moisturising and absorbs well, plus there is no greasiness.  

2. Dr Anjali mahto a consultant dermatologist at skin55 claims shes been using the Advanced Day Total Protect Moisturiser by Medik8. She says she is quite fussy about moisturisers but this one provides a smooth primer like base underneath light makeup or concealer. She even says it has a high UV rating. 

3. Michaella Bolder a celebrity facialist says that her lockdown hero has been Femmue Ideal Oil. She claims she is a bit of a facial oil queen when it comes to skincare and she loves this oil so much as it nourishes her skin. She uses a few drops on her face every night and it works really well!

4. Dr Shaaira Nasir a consultant dermatologist at sk:n clinics claims that she has added a leave on acid to her skincare routine and she really likes Skinceutical’s Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight Cream. She says she uses a pea size amount every night and rubs it on her face and it really works! She says to start off using it once a week and then gradually use it more often. 

That's all for today, thank you for reading. Check out my other blogs for tips tricks and more!

Also go check out this blog for more information!

Wednesday 1 July 2020

5 Best Eye shadow pallets to ever be created!

Eye shadow is a complicated thing and you can do so much with it. You can create natural looks, bright looks, dark looks or even scary looks. Sometimes it can be stressful when you have to buy 2 or 3 different pallets with the colours you want, or you have to buy ones which are animal cruelty free or vegan. So here are the best eye shadow pallets with a great range of colours and are good for your skin!

This amazing pallet contains so many colours. Its got your natural tones, your bright tones for a pop of colour and even those beautiful shimmery tones to make your eyes glow! This pallet is a bit more on the pricey side as its £29.75 which is pretty good for a popular eye shadow pallet and its gorgeous. Not only does it contain beautiful colours but it is animal cruelty free and does not sell in china as you have to test it on animals over there! Overall this pallet is great!

This amazing colour pop pallet is famous everywhere. Its contains some amazing super bright colours and some gorgeous soft neutral tones. The pigment is amazing and you can create so many looks with it. plus its by the beauty guru himself. James Charles! i highly recommend this pallet, its so pretty! The price is £39.99 which is pretty pricey. 

This pallet by morphe is a very neutral toned pallet and contains some dark brown tones, some more orange tones and some quite pale tones. This pallet is so nice and the pigment is great. The price is £24 which isn't bad at all and it is animal cruelty free. Morphe also sell a range of vegan and non vegan makeup so there is a wide range for you to choose from!

This pallet is known to be one of the best urban decay pallet and got a lot of hype at one point. Its a very expensive pallet with the price being £43 and there are not many colours but the colours that there is are amazing. There are many different tones like greens, purples, pinks, golds, browns, blacks and pale tones aswel. The colours are very pigmented and you can create very nice look with this pallet. 

This gorgeous pallet has some very very bright tones. It i made by revolution and is only £20 which is very good for a pallet. There are some similar colours to the James Charles pallet and some very pretty glittery colours. Revolution is Animal cruelty free and 76% vegan which is amazing! This pallet is really great and you can create so many looks with it!

Monday 29 June 2020

Amazing ways on how to fall asleep instantly!

If your like me then its probably really hard to get to sleep. Your either distracted by your phone,your anxious,your nervous or something is distracting your mind. You may also be struggling to sleep during quarantine aswel as you have nothing to do the next day so your going to sleep at 3 am and waking up at 12pm! I do not recommend this as when you do go back to work/school it will be hard to get back into the routine of waking up early. Im not saying to go to sleep early as you want to make the most of your day and chill but i think that its better to know when you should go to sleep and how you should get to sleep.  Don't worry i know the struggle. That is why i am, going to share my top tips on how to fall asleep instantly, so you can wake up and actually want to get out of bed. 

1. Avoid bright screens or light before sleep! Before sleeping i recommend avoiding bright lights. So maybe switch off your lights and try to avoid your t.v or phone screen, or just turn the brightness down. If you leave your bright lights on and then switch them off right before you go to sleep then it wont give your eyes time to settle down, so about half hour before you know your going to sleep i would switch your lights off and turn your phone brightness down.

2. Try yoga or meditation before bed. Before you go to sleep try doing some yoga. This relaxes you muscles and makes you less tense and ready for sleep. Many people use yoga all over the world. You can find videos on YouTube or you can sign up to a class. You can also buy a really cheap yoga mat of eBay or amazon to use. >>>> link. 

3. Avoid naps during the day. If you tend to take naps during the day stop now!! This is really bad for your sleep pattern as you will not be able to go to sleep at night. Firstly you are taking your day away, when you could be doing so much more important things, it also prevents you sleeping at night as you wont be tired. So you will nap, then be awake all night then sleep all morning and take your naps during the day.  You will basically turn nocturnal! This can also stop you being social as you wont be meeting with any of your friends as you will be to busy napping! So if you don't want to be a lonely nocturnal person then don't nap! 

Click for image.

4. Don't look at the time! When your awake in the middle of the night it is very tempting to look at the time but don't! This makes you more awake as it will make you more anxious and if you use your phone you will also be shining a bright light in your face which will make you even more awake. Overall just don't look at the time, trust me its better you don't know the time!

5. Visualise things that make you happy. When your sleeping try to think of things that make you happy or try to think of random scenarios and what you would do in them, trust me it really help, Its also good to think of a plan for what your going to do the next day, and think of all the good things that are coming up!

That's all my tips for today! Hope they helped you :)

Thursday 25 June 2020

5 Viral beauty hacks for a summer glow up!

Pretty much everyone is stuck inside right now and your probably becoming more lazy and not doing any skincare or makeup and have nothing to do! Well why not have a glow up?! Change your look up a bit for when you go back to school or work! Here are 5 trendy, viral beauty hacks that you can do for a summer glow up!

1. DIY freckles! Many people are doing this trend all over social media where you make your own henna freckles, and they actually look so good! Even James Charles has been on this trend! All you have to do is take some henna and place little dots randomly all over your face with it. (It doesn't matter if its not even, it makes them look more natural) Then leave them for a few hour to set, then scrape them all over your face and you'll be left with beautiful, 'natural' freckles! 

Click for image!

2. Castor oil! Castor oil is really great for making your hair, eyebrows and eyelashes longer! All you have to do is use an eyebrow brush to apply some to your eyebrows and a eyelash brush to apply to your eyelashes and just rub it in your hair. Make sure you use a thick layer. Then go to sleep with it and wash out in the morning! 

Click for image!

3. Use this mouse! The pore tight peeling moose is amazing for your skin. Its very popular at the moment and several people are using it on social media like TikTok and Instagram! You just rub it into your skin, wait a little and then rub it off with a towel. It cleans out all your pores and is really good for your skin!

4. Apply your base makeup in this order! 
  1. Moisturiser.
  2. Translucent powder.
  3. Setting spray.
  4. Primer.
  5. Foundation.
This makes your makeup less likely to crease and makes it last much longer! Its viral all over TikTok right now!

Click for image!

5. Do this in the morning! In the morning when you wake up use an ice cube and rub it under both your eyes. This depuffs your eyes and makes you feel and look more awake!

Thank you for reading! Check out my other blogs for more Beauty, tips, tricks and more!

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